The holidays are a great time for bonding with family and catching up with friends. But all that free time can also lead to three weeks of constant battles over screen time. Let’s look at a few ways to curb the tantrums and bring peace to your home this holiday season.
Read MoreYour child may not have a smartphone yet, but you can bet that once they do they’ll be using your example as their baseline for how and when to use it. So how can we as parents make sure that we are modeling the behavior that we’d like to see in our kids? Here are 4 simple steps to take today.
Read MoreIf you are a parent who will have your kids at home for extended periods of time this summer you are likely stressed out about how to manage screen use during these long summer days. But, with a little bit of forethought and planning you can come up with a summertime screen time solution that keeps kids from overloading on what I call “junk food screen time” and doesn’t force you to become your child’s personal camp counselor!
Read MoreIs there a connection between too much screen time and our distracted and forgetful kids? Here are some simple tips to help you and your child find better balance, focus and awareness in our constantly connected world.
For many parents the goal of reducing screen time during this Pandemic feels impossible to attain. If that feels like your situation then I’d recommend shifting your perspective. Instead of worrying about how much time your child is spending in front of a device, focus on making sure that all their physical, mental and spiritual needs are being met on a daily basis. Here is a list of daily goals for you to pull from or create your own!
Read MoreSummer means more freedom, less school work and more fun. But I certainly don’t want to throw all the family rules out the window and during the school year our screen time limit keeps things running pretty smoothly. So how do I maintain our family rules and values around device use while still allowing them a summertime “win?”
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