Happy Parents


"I love Julia's approach to raising digital natives -- be smart, not scared. Julia armed us with essential knowledge and tools that we use every day to help keep ourselves and our kids informed, safe and smart." - Brandi M. (mom of 2) Los Angeles, CA

“There is a reason that Julia Storm is our official teaching partner on digital wellness for kids and families: She seamlessly blends her expertise on technology and media with an ability to tap into the heart of what helps families feel truly connected. Julia is the most trusted professional I know on integrating technology into family life while teaching kids how to make good choices - and building trust in the parent-child relationship.” -Jennifer Waldburger, MSW, Co-founder, Sleepy Planet Parenting

“Julia gave me the language and guidance I needed to begin a healthy media diet for my family. I was struggling with how to attack the issue and now I feel confident with the tools she gave me.” - Kristen Bell (mom of 2)

“I went to Julia's workshop and it really opened my eyes to the world my kids are growing up in. The information was invaluable. Julia's demeanor was warming and inviting. She made a very complicated subject very easy to follow. I would highly encourage all parents to take one of her workshops.” - Kimberly F. (mom of 2) West Hollywood, CA

“Thank you so much for taking the time to come speak to our community- I have heard from so many parents how they found your talk so informative and helpful with what they have been struggling with. It was really wonderful to have you share this incredibly helpful information with us.”  - Sarah M., Mom, Grant Elementary

“With wit and charisma, Julia has sparked the conversation that every parent should be having right now. She clearly lays out the potential issues our children will face in the digital age, and gives parents the tools to avoid the pitfalls. I’m grateful for her insights.” - Brett S. (father of 2) Venice, CA

"Julia’s impactful workshop on keeping kids safe in the digital age was a godsend for me. It was not only thought-provoking and enlightening, but also very practical. I feel so empowered to better help my child navigate through this wild, wooly world of digital media. Highly recommended." - Keshni K., Silverlake, CA (mom of 1)

“I recommend Julia's online course to every single parent I know - especially these days! Julia's course is packed full of information and tips on how to achieve healthy habits and boundaries around screen time in your family.  Simple, research-based and holistic, this course has given me the confidence and support I need as a parent trying to navigate this digital world!” - Sarah S. (mom of 2)

"As a mom to two girls, finding this Tween Workshop with Julia Storm was a gift! Julia taught them in a way that not only resonates, but empowers them. From discussions around managing their digital footprint to understanding the dangers of online predators... this workshop was absolutely invaluable.” - Heather C. (mom of 2)

“Julia did a great job distilling all the information on screen usage studies and brain neurology into a succinct and engaging presentation complete with lots of practical take home advice.” - Katie Cross, parent of 4th and 7th graders- Synergy School


Happy Schools

“Julia has proven to be a valuable partner in helping to educate our community and institute policies and programs that promote digital health and wellbeing in our students.  From my initial conversations with her about ways to grow a healthy digital school culture to the parent education presentations that she has given, Julia's pragmatic advice and down-to-earth, empathetic approach has resonated with our faculty and parent community.  We look forward to continuing to work with her!” - Jemma Kennedy, Director of Middle School, New Roads School

“Julia, Thank you so much for such a great presentation! My daughters are 13 so I personally found this very helpful! We definitely want to have you again next year.” - Susana Furfari, Coordinator Gifted and Talented Program LAUSD

“Thank you so much for coming to Canyon today. Your presentation was wonderful and we already made some family changes effective today! It was so awesome to see my son's creative juices flowing as he created his little parachute men in the time that he would normally have his face glued to the iPad!” - Nicole Sheard, Principal, Canyon Elementary

“Julia is an insightful thought-partner and collaborator who engages students and adults alike. She knows the realities of navigating our current digital landscape and that scare tactics or parental controls can be tough to sustain as parents/guardians. Her approach strikes a healthy balance between boundaries and exploration, and she understands that fostering healthy habits in our children starts with our being askable adults.” - Jaimi Boehm, Associate Head of School, Wildwood School

“If I could make Julia Storm sessions required viewing for all of our parents I would. We were lucky enough to have Julia come to Pressman for five visits this year as part of our Parent Education Series focused on “Parenting Technology” and “Technology Wellness”.  Julia was a pleasure to work with. Her low-key demeanor, breadth of knowledge and ability to talk about “scary” topics without fear-mongering was exactly what we needed to inform our parents without scaring them (more than they already are).  I hope to work with her again in the future.   Thank you Julia!” - Erica Huls, Director of Educational Technology at Pressman Academy 

“As our children continue to spend more and more time on devices, the parents of our school were looking for advice on the best way to handle screen time, social media, cell phones and more.  Julia's presentation addressed all of their concerns and beyond.  While we asked that the talk focus on children in 4th & 5th grades, the information Julia shared was great for parents with children of all ages.  Thank you Julia, for giving our parents the tools to more confidently move forward in the digital age.”-  Leigh S, PTA President , PS107

"Julia's accessibility and depth of knowledge on this layered, important and often sensitive subject (especially during these pandemic days) encouraged our school's parents to discuss and think deeply about their families' tech usage. Thank you!" -Randall de Sève, Blue School NYC

“We were delighted to have you return to PS107 this year, your presentations both to our students and to our families were replete with common sense approaches to using and limiting technologies - Thank you!”  - Eve Litwack, Principal, PS107

“Julia, the feedback (on your presentations) has been GREAT! From teachers, parents and kids! They all loved it and apparently there was communication from kids to parents about how helpful it was and how much they liked you so we are all thrilled!!” - Jennifer DeRosa, Carpenter Elementary PTA

“Julia presents essential information in a manner both engaging and accessible to parents and students. Her well-developed curriculum and the conversations she facilitates are essential in this time as their relevance extends beyond the classroom and into the digital world. She is a trusted partner in helping parents, students, and schools navigate the benefits and challenges that come with greater access to technology.”   - Nadine Zysman, Assistant Head of School, Brawerman Elementary

Happy Kids

" The workshop with Julia was very engaging. I like how she cared about what we were saying and that she was not just talking at us but with us. I also found that even after class me and my friends would talk about what we learned and share what we found most interesting about the class. One important thing I learned was that you should never keep your passcodes or important information on a google doc or notes because they can easily be hacked." - Mezi (age 11) 

" In the workshop with Julia Storm I learned that actions have consequences,  for instance if you put a picture up on the internet it is there forever and can affect things in the future. There was always a great balance of the teacher talking and the students getting to say their opinion. I felt it was an open space and I could express myself comfortably."  - Mimi (age13)

“It was interesting to learn about the science of how our brain works with screen time.”  - Vivian (age 12)