The Secret to Better Vacations with Teens

Traveling with teens and tweens comes with its own challenges and knowing how to prepare yourself ahead of time can make all the difference. Enter Mary Beth Swerdloff - family travel expert! Mary Beth and her family are avid world travelers and she is an amazing go-to expert on how to travel with teens. I sat down with Mary Beth to get some of her top tips on how to make travel with teens a little easier on everyone.

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Julia StormReconnect
3 Critical Digital Wellness Habits for College Freshmen

Once our kids leave for college, what they do with their technology is mostly out of our hands, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t prepare them to make healthy choices once no one is there to oversee them.  Don’t forget, that prefrontal cortex isn’t done developing until age 25! So while they may seem all grown up, they are in fact still growing and therefore still more susceptible to the magnetic pull of the online world. Here are my top tips for prepping your college freshman to be digitally well in college.

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How To Help Your Kid Assess What's Real Or Fake Online

Why are our kids SOOOO susceptible to believing fake stories that circulate online? The truth is they’re not alone, adults are susceptible too and it all has to do with basic human psychology. These are my top tips for teaching your child how to suss out when something feels fishy online and how to do their research before believing (and sharing!).

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Parents are Screen Obsessed Too! 4 Steps to Help Parents Become Better Role Models for Their Kids

Your child may not have a smartphone yet, but you can bet that once they do they’ll be using your example as their baseline for how and when to use it. So how can we as parents make sure that we are modeling the behavior that we’d like to see in our kids? Here are 4 simple steps to take today.

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How to Help Tech Loving Kids Get the Sleep They Need!

We’ve heard it a million times, sleep is critical for our mental and physical wellbeing. Yet the latest research shows that sleep quality and quantity has been steadily decreasing over the past 10-15 years and it seems sleep still isn’t getting the respect that it deserves.Unfortunately, it seems our kids tech use plays a big role in this issue. In this article I want to share with you information on how much sleep our kids should be getting at different ages and stages along with some tips on how to help them get there.

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Managing Summer Screen Time - An Action Plan!

If you are a parent who will have your kids at home for extended periods of time this summer you are likely stressed out about how to manage screen use during these long summer days. But, with a little bit of forethought and planning you can come up with a summertime screen time solution that keeps kids from overloading on what I call “junk food screen time” and doesn’t force you to become your child’s personal camp counselor!

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